Labor Day BBQ
I got a good jump on building the yoga studio setpiece. I still need to light it. The GI Joe is a good jumping off place. I can use some dramatic lighting in a couple of spots and the rooms filled with can lights. No windows though. But the night is young. The first 2/3rds of the animatic are rendered. The final third is still drawings. All 5 characters and the set and props exist in the scene as references so there's a major victory right there. Murdock's eye controls stopped working, but I ran a script by Taylor Mahoney from the AM Forum. Painless.
final audio-- String Theory
rendering--sequential uncompressed targas
compositing-- After Effects.
Animation is my work , my schooling and my hobby. I turned in my Animation Mentor assignment 2 days early so I could focus on my passion. Working on my animation final. My wife asked if there was another woman and I yes, her name is Rook and we're in love. But seriously, I have to go to an engagement party on Sunday. I would rather be animating. And when Mark and Kelly come over on Labor Day to BBQ I hope they don't mind me pounding away on my keyboards. But i'm not addicted to animation. I can quit anytime.
I never dreamed that I would find myself feeling so engaged by my short film. AM has given me more than a handful of tecniques on the computer. I feel confident about contributing something substantial to a feature length project. I feel good about putting my reel together and presenting myself as a part of team.
My whole family makes sacrifices to accomodate this animation program. They tell me that I've never been more alive and empassioned about anything. They tell me it's worth it and that they're proud. It's astounding that semester 5 is half over.
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