Blogging is good because I can rant about my AM experience and NOT bother the spouse. If things are going great then I of course should and will go to her and the rest of the family. My turn to put a pretty picture up on my fridge. But the last week or so don't fall into that category. My Maya wouldn't boot up all weelk. I thin that when i outputted some DVD's it flooded some temp files or cache files or maybe I messed somthing up when i tried to get Premier to work. My mom has been in intensive care for 8 days now, the budget was cut on my Sony gig, I blew the 5-X-B interview, my car broke down and my After Effects is on the blink. I need to redo my push animation because it sucked horribly. I misread the assignment from last week and did the wrong thing as well. (what a maroon) I see others soaring in their animations, making friends, networking...and all I seem to do is waste time. So I will go back to the original footage because that can't be wrong. My interpretation was what was askew.
Horrible Push>.
I never did meet up with any of the other mentees as mentioned in previous posts. A group of us were supposed to meet up in Venice, but the loctions kept changing so it didn't work out for me. This week was the Bird of a Feather event at SIGGRAPH. It was great to see the panel discussion with all of the mentors exchanging ideas and anecdotes. But again, when I tried to connect with the other students I could sense their eyes searching for a getaway. WTF? I'll just move on. I'm here to learn something. The good news is that I had a good interview at EA and I'm doing a test for them. So now to regroup. Tonight we're having seafood alfredo. Perhaps a new 'smokin' avatar will do the trick \m/